Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday evening

We have 3 different work crews, but my crew went about 4 miles from Camp Restore to work in a house that has been abandoned since Katrina in August 2005. It belongs to a wonderful couple, Howard and Helen, who are probably in their 70s. They have 9 children and 36 grandchildren and had lived in the house for about 50 years! They were evacuated with only a change of clothing and then unable to get back to their house for 3 1/2 months! When they came back, the house was moldy, smelly, and rotting. Everything had to be thrown out. Fred said NONE of their possession were saved! Since then, they have been living in a trailer and slowly gutting and cleaning out their house.

Anyway, today we were fitting and installation insulation, cutting and hanging dry wall, and mudding and sanding dry wall that had already been installed. There are 12 of us from Grace working at their house. Keep us in your prayers -- pray for cooperation and dedication from our crew and for hope and perseverance for Howard and Helen.

1 comment:

s.peterson said...

What a great site! It's nice to read about what every one is doing. Remember there are a LOT of people thinking and praying about you everyday! Enjoy and be safe!